10 Tips: How to Write a Wedding Speech
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Being a Wedding DJ for the last 7 years, I've heard some amazing wedding speeches. I decided to share some of my experiences with you to help write a wedding speech.
If you're a bride or groom, you may be wondering EXACTLY what your Best Man or Maid of Honor is going to say about you or your partner... in front of hundreds of your friends and family. How is this wedding speech going to turn out?
Continue reading to learn some of the best tips, tricks and suggestions for writing your wedding speech. Avoid the embarrassment and write the best wedding speech guests will hear all year.

Tip #1 - Outline your Talking Points
Unless you're an improvisation expert (99% of us are not!), it's important that you write down the talking points. There are a few reason why:
- It helps you stay on topic and keep things moving
- You cover all of the important topics and won't miss any
- Preparation helps ease the nerves
Tip #2 - Ask the Bride or Groom
Depending on the couple, they may have an idea of the type of speech they are comfortable with you giving. Ask the bride or groom if there are any topics off limits, or time restraints to help keep the evening flowing.
" The Groom made me promise to not mention any of his ex-girlfriends, tell any embarrassing stories about him, and only say nice things about him. (Short Pause) Sooo I'd like to thank everyone for their time...
- The Best Man at a Wedding showcased a bit of humor about this.
These tips are provided by the experienced wedding dj's at MUP DJ's - Milwaukee Underground Productions.
You can meet our wedding dj's here!

Tip #3 - Be Sincere, Speak from the Heart
A great way to win over the crowd, and especially the bride or groom, is to be sincere during your wedding speech. Make a list of great qualities each partner has and don't be afraid to share them.
Tip #4 - Keep it Short and Sweet
If you find yourself rambling about a story, you may be losing the attention of your audience. Make sure you write your speech with the idea of being clear, concise and to the point.
Don't rush either! There may be sentimental and important details that really add to the story. Remember Tip#1 and Outline your Talking Points.
Note: Practice the speech and time yourself. You may speak faster when you're nervous, keep that in mind when writing your wedding speech for all

Tip #5 - Share your favorite memory
Share a great story from your past. It may be how you first met the bride or groom, or your favorite experience together. It's a great honor to be asked to give a toast or speech at your best friends wedding.
There may be a few embarrassing details of those stories as well, keep those to a minimum.
Tip #6 - Know your audience and guests
Any great writer or speaker will emphasis the importance of knowing your audience. This is true being a Wedding DJ, too. For you, it means knowing what to say, what not to say, and how to say it - and it all depends on your audience.
Always keep your audience in mind as your write your speech. There can be a raunchy innuendo or slightly suggestive phrase that can lead to embarrassment if said to the wrong audience.
With that being said, there may be audiences that LOVE an inappropriate joke or twelve. Know your audience for best results.
Tip #7 - Practice, Practice, Practice
If you're comfortable speaking if front of people, this one shouldn't be an issue for you. But depending on your comfort level, you may want to practice before the big day. It's an even better idea to pretend you're using a microphone as well. You'll want to ensure you can comfortably present your speech with confidence, and practice will help you.
Need any ideas to help create your perfect wedding music playlist?

Tip #8 - Record yourself and play it back
One of the best ways to fine-tune your speech is to record yourself and play it back. Any smartphone or computer can easily handle this, and it's a great way to make your wedding speech perfect. Listen to and observe HOW you say something, how long it is, and if there are any unnecessary details that you may want to revise.
Tip #9 - Ask a friend, co-worker or family
There are two points that we want to bring up here. One is asking others to critique your wedding speech, and ask for their honest feedback. Having someone review your speech allows you to gain a new perspective, and make adjustments as you go.
The second is to ask others what their experiences have been with wedding speeches. They may have been to a few weddings themselves and can offer some valuable advice to you.

Tip #10 - Relax, be yourself and have fun
This may be a throwback to the "sincerity" tip, but it's worth hitting home. Relax and have fun. Don't get too crazy with the celebratory cocktails before you speak, either. Have just enough to take the edge off if you're feeling nervous. Take a deep breath and let it go. You got this!
Tips Inspired by a Wedding DJ in Milwaukee
It's been a pleasure to be a Wedding DJ for so many awesome couples. After hearing so many great wedding speeches, I decided to share some of my memories and tips for writing a great wedding speech. After starting my Wedding DJ Service, Milwaukee Underground Productions, we've served over 200 couples for their special day. Plus, we've won The Best of Weddings from The Knot!